Game Clinic
The Console Repair Specialist

Queensway Shopping Centre
#02-43 2nd level
Singapore 149053
GC_Mike: 93709604
SMS: 97315137

PSP 3000 model 2010 bundle pack is back at only $345. Gameclinic now taking order for Pre-Order games. Membership will come with Free HDMI cable(worth $25) to any purchase with ps3. PS3 slim 160gb now come with Free Game at only $455/- ^ ^ .Gold Membership is for life time only for first few month member. PSP Go going for only $309/-

PSP 3000 guide

PSP 3000 Hackable? (yes)
PSP 1000: Yes

PSP 2000 Yes if your set is manufactured before July 2008 (Motherboard revision TA-88V2 or older) or if your set is at firmware version 5.03 or lower.

PSP 3000: Yes if your set is at firmware version 5.03 or lower.

PSP Go: No.

Difference between Local and Export set
Local set refers to PSPs we got direct from Singapore agent. These will come with 1 year official Sony warranty locally.

Export set refers to parallel imported PSPs. These do not have warranty with Sony Singapore