Game Clinic
The Console Repair Specialist

Queensway Shopping Centre
#02-43 2nd level
Singapore 149053
GC_Mike: 93709604
SMS: 97315137

PSP 3000 model 2010 bundle pack is back at only $345. Gameclinic now taking order for Pre-Order games. Membership will come with Free HDMI cable(worth $25) to any purchase with ps3. PS3 slim 160gb now come with Free Game at only $455/- ^ ^ .Gold Membership is for life time only for first few month member. PSP Go going for only $309/-

PSP Go << Gameclinic

PSP Console


Price : $319

PSP Go a recently released product by Sony Playstation Team. Another product create for the mini-market. This PSP Go is more complex and uses a slip up screen to keep it look smaller. it has an internal memoary of 16gb ,
and had be made lighter and disk free. Now it make the games,downloads,internet,photo and everything ,all in just one touch of our pocket.